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हाम्रा मान्यताहरू हाम्रो समुदायमा निहित छ र कर्मचारी, सल्लाहकार, कार्यकारी सदस्य, कोष प्राप्तकर्ता र साझेदारहरूसँग/बीचको परामर्शहरूको उपज हो । हाम्रा काम र उद्देश्यको आधार यिनै मान्यताहरू हुन्, जसले अभियन्ता, समुदाय, आन्दोलनका आवश्यकताहरू र हामीले काम गर्ने सन्दर्भहरूलाई संबोधन गर्ने अनुमति दिन्छ ।
समन्वयात्मक ढंगले अघि बढ्ने/हुर्कने र फष्टाउने एक तरिकाको रुपमा सिक्ने र पहिले सिकेका कुराहरूमा पुनःविचार गर्ने ।
सम्बन्ध-निर्माण र भरोसालाई बढाउने ।
अग्र-पंक्तिका रक्षक तथा अभियन्ताहरूका जीवन्त अनुभवहरू ।
शक्ति स्थानन्तरण र सहुलियत/विशेषाधिकार पुनःबितरण गर्नको लागि सचेत रुपमा एक दाताको रुपमा हाम्रो स्थानलाई स्वीकार गर्नु ।
अभियन्ता तथा रक्षकहरूको अवस्था/सन्दर्भ बुझ्ने लचिलोपन र उनीहरूलाई आवश्यकता परेको कुराहरूमा सहायता दिनु ।
महिलावादी आन्दोलनहरूलाई देख्ने र सुन्ने बनाउनको लागि सहजकर्ता तथा आवाज बढाउन सघाउने हुनु ।
असफलता तथा अवरोधहरूबाट सिक्नु र सुधार्नु ।
Often, the contexts in which we work are unpredictable and politically volatile. Resilient defenders and organisations protect and support their communities by taking bold, creative and innovative steps to respond to emerging issues and unanticipated opportunities.
We resource resilience by listening deeply to our community and partners and offering necessary resources to women and non-binary human rights defenders and organisations in Asia and the Pacific when those resources are needed the most.
Building resilience also includes creating safe and inclusive environments, amplifying and generating critical information, practicing feminist models of leadership, and above all, adapting, learning and responding as we go.
Rapid Response
Strategic Support to Defender Communities
Mobilising and Redistributing Resources
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the vulnerabilities of women and non-binary human rights defenders and activists in Asia and the Pacific. UAF A&P has opened a special grant specifically to support their economic and basic needs during these multiple levels of crises. The deadline for the COVID Crisis Grants has been extended to June 30, 2021.
We derive strength from our membership in a global sisterhood of Urgent Action Funds. Each sister fund is autonomous, and each fund makes grants and fundraises within the region where they operate. Together, the sister funds have built solidarity and co-responsibility for a more just world. We practice collaboration, sharing power, and challenging the status quo, while also respecting our individual identities as regional funders grounded in our communities.