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This grant is available to women and non-binary human rights defenders and organisations in Asia and the Pacific in order to respond to their immediate or time-urgent needs for security and well-being. It is intended for a person or organisation experiencing a threat or in case of emergency, crisis or risk due to their defence of women’s rights and human rights. It is also available for time-urgent needs for well- being such as psycho-social counselling, treatment for trauma, or medical assistance.

Grants Criteria

Women or non-binary[1] led – women or non-binary human rights defenders must be the primary beneficiaries of the grant, preferably channelled via a women’s rights organisation;

Human Rights Focus – the defender or organisation promotes the advancement of women’s and/or LBTQI’s human rights using nonviolent tactics or strategies;

Unanticipated and/or Time Urgent – the specific event or situation being responded to is an emergency or crisis where the defender or their organisation is at risk;

Support for Security and Well-being – the grant requested must be earmarked for security measures (e.g., legal assistance, relocation or evacuation, risk assessment and training, security equipment); and/or for well-being needs (e.g., psychological counselling, trauma treatment, medical assistance) of the defender or their organisation;

During or Immediately After Crisis – the grant requested must be intended to support the security and wellbeing of the defender or their organisation during the crisis, or immediately thereafter;

Supported or Networked – the defender or their organisation has the support of others involved in women’s human rights, sexual rights or related human rights fields at local or national level.


[1]Non-binary is an umbrella term referring to individuals whose gender identity and/or gender expression are not exclusively masculine or feminine, male or female — thus, are outside of the gender binary and cisnormativity. UAF AP uses this term to encompass androgyny, polygender, genderqueer, gender fluid and a-gender individuals.

Read FAQs here
For inquiries, email us at

UAF A&P grants do not support:
  • Cisgender* males or cisgender male-led organisations or networks,

  • Individual requests without endorsement by an organisation,

  • Established community or established network affiliation or an UAF A&P advisor;

  • Activities or projects for humanitarian crises or natural disasters;

  • Activities or projects focused on development aid or charity assistance;

  • Projects or activities that are part of the regular programmes of an organisation;

  • Regular operating budgets and/or bridge funding (to fill a funding gap).

* Cisgender Males are individuals who identify as male and who were assigned male at birth.