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We are proud to share our feminist learning approach in our latest publication ‘UAF A&P’s Approach to MEAL: Unlearning to Forge New Learning Paths’
As a feminist fund that offers emergency support and resources for activists and non-binary defenders of Asia and the Pacific, we recognize the role that learning plays in sustained and intentional evolution, data-driven decision-making and accountability, power-sharing and collective care.
Over the past five years, Urgent Action Fund Asia and the Pacific has front and centered feminist values, vision, and language in our learning approach. We have used Emergent Learning to rapidly adapt to and manoeuver in a complex, constantly shifting terrain.
Our learning approach has offered us the flexibility to sense-make in smaller groups and validate in bigger cohorts more easily and naturally. We believe that by sharing our approach to Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning #MEAL, we can collectively make our thinking visible, talk about it, make connections, and forecast emerging patterns.