Annual report cover
A Thousand Shapes, A Thousand Forms

Morphing Cultures of Resistance and Audacious Care, Annual Learning Report 2023

Urgent Action Fund, Asia & Pacific’s Annual Learning Report 2023 – A Thousand Shapes, A Thousand Forms. Morphing Cultures of Resistance and Audacious Care – is a reflection of another year where conflicts and struggles took new forms that demanded new ways of organising and resourcing feminist movements and activism. Like the remarkable ability of slime moulds to navigate complex environments and find the most efficient paths to resources, UAF A&P’s work with defenders followed similar unconventional paths.

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AR 22 cover page
Stirrings of the Earth

Annual Learning Report 2022

Stirrings of the Earth: Voyaging Across the Seas of Feminist Crises is Urgent Action Fund, Asia and Pacific’s Annual Learning Report 2022. It is a feminist visual storytelling of human rights defense by women, trans, and non-binary activists in Asia and the Pacific. It borrows cultural symbols, nomenclatures, terminologies, and wisdom from indigenous cultures and Pacific women navigators who leaned into ancestral knowledge to navigate ocean currents and storms, and tries to represent the close relationship between, people, land, identity, culture, and history.

This report sails through the rising currents of participatory feminist grantmaking that laid out maps of warning signs across the regions and prepared the grounds for human rights defense even in inhospitable terrains. It shows that, much like the rhythm of the ocean, feminist movements in Asia and the Pacific embody collective care and sisterhood through their lands, bodies, and waters to sustain their resistance and resilience. The insights, voices, and tremendous power of these movements act as a star compass to navigate through the mountains of strife in the regions, while the strong vakas (canoes) help withstand the roughest waters of crises to reach islands of hope.

We hope you enjoy reading this report and will share it further in your networks.


Annual report 2021
Radical Geographies

UAF A&P Annual Report 2021

2021 presented the toughest terrains to navigate - conflicts, coups, political turbulence, amid a global pandemic that left no population unscathed. Even as struggles and hardship intensified for women and non-binary human rights defenders, they innovated on ways to survive, collectivise and draw strength to face adversities. Much like how lichens find way to grow on bare, inhospitable earth, feminist movements sprouted and sustained life even in scorched landscape.

Radical Geographies is Urgent Action Fund, Asia & Pacific’s annual narrative of learning on how as a feminist rapid response fund we traversed the shaky grounds of 2021. This report takes you through the journey of how feminist grant-making prepared the grounds for human rights defence to spawn and fruit even in inhospitable terrains. How roots of collective care and symbiosis through sisterhood nourished feminist landscapes of Asia and the Pacific. ‘Radical Geographies’ borrows language and inspiration from the magnificent, but invisible ecologies of fungi, molluscs and lichens to explore resilience, rebellion, care and interconnectedness of regional feminist communities and movements.


UAF AnP Annual report 2020
When a Pandemic Tested Our Resistance and Resilience

UAF A&P Annual Report 2020

UAF Asia and Pacific dedicates this report to the brave women, girls and non-binary human rights defenders and activists of Afghanistan. We extend our solidarity to them in this difficult hour of their lives. If you would like to contribute to support them, click here

This Annual Report is a compilation of our learnings from our work as a regional feminist fund for Asia and the Pacific that supports the resistance and resilience of women and non-binary activists across these two regions. We have been intentional about making this report into a learning document so that the groups and movements that we work with, can adapt or adopt practices and processes that we have experimented with.


Lessons in Risks and Resilience

UAFA&P Annual Report 2019

In our second year of operations, we reflected on the concept of risk, and continued to support women and non-binary human rights defenders in Asia and the Pacific as they faced newer challenges.

This document is our effort at breaking the mould of the 'report'. It's a care package of grantee reflections and our learnings, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our work.

We remain grateful to our donors, Board of Directors across Asia and the Pacific, the Sister Funds, partners, and grantees for their support.


Threading Feminist Nets of Response and Resilience

UAF A&P Annual Report 2018

2018 was our first year of operations as a regional women's fund supporting women and non-binary human rights defenders and their organisations across Asia and the Pacific in times of need and/or emergencies. We were able to reach grantees across several countries and support their work in a manner that reflects our commitment to adhere to feminist principles of caring and support. We would like to place on record our gratitude to our donors, board of directors across Asia and the Pacific, sister funds, partners and grantees for being part of our journey to becoming a truly feminist fund.


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